Analysis of future defense policy priorities with AHP
high-tech science and technology armed force, defense policy, AHP analysis, priority of policy, weapon power required, excellent manpower acquisitioAbstract
Future defense systems cannot maintain the large-scale military force they currently have owing to population decline. Accordingly, the paradigm of military force construction and operation must change from being quantity-to quality-oriented. These changes render the effects of existing defense policies ineffective and highlight that the policies need to be updated. This study analyzes the preferred defense policy in the future defense environment using AHP. This is because efficient allocation and utilization of limited resources and rational decision-making according to policy priorities and in accordance with the paradigm shift in the construction and operation of future defense systems are necessary. The results reveal that the most important policy priority is utilizing science and technology effectively in the future defense. In addition, the policy priorities should be given to policies that focus on the development of weapons systems and acquisition of skilled manpower.
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